Getting Help For Managing Your Anger

Are your children suffering from bullying or other hardships? Discover how counseling can help them overcome adversity and trauma.

Getting Help For Managing Your Anger

Getting Help For Managing Your Anger

25 February 2020
, Blog

Constant feelings of anger can be a big setback for living a good, healthy life. Not only do your social relationships suffer, but you also experience a heightened stress response, which takes a toll on your body physically. Even though you might feel like you have no control when feelings of anger come, there are some things you can do to help keep a lid on your temper.

Seek Counseling

You can see a counselor to help with anger problems. They have experience with how the mind works and can help you learn more about yourself and what triggers angry feelings, and they can help give you some tools and strategies for handling anger in a healthy way. 

One technique that a counselor might use to help with anger management is to pose hypothetical situations that could make you angry, such as a person cutting you off on your morning commute or children not listening when you give them instructions. You can talk through the response you have to these common triggers, helping you to see what thought processes lead to angry feelings. As time goes by, you will get better at noticing what thoughts and situations are triggering, and you will have some active control over stopping angry episodes before they begin. 

Psychologists can also look for underlying sources of anger problems. Sometimes, especially in men, depression can manifest as consistent anger. Post-traumatic stress disorder can also be the source of angry feelings. By treating the cause or partner problem, feelings of anger can subside. 

Practice Methods for Anger Control

Counseling is a great tool, but you still will need to work daily on coping techniques until you are much better at responding to triggers calmly. Some common methods for control include the following:

  1. Moving on. People who struggle with feelings of anger often dwell on situations that made them angry, which allows feelings of anger to simmer for much longer. Recognize when you are holding on, and do something to let it go, such as pursuing a hobby or reading to distract yourself from dwelling.
  2. Remove absolutes from your language. Thinking in extremes can make anger problems worse. Words like "always" and "never" promote distorted cognitive thinking and make you more likely to get angry over situations that seem not to have a solution.
  3. Practice meditation. You need to train your body to calm down. This might mean doing some deep breathing exercises, participating in a meditative yoga class, or just listening to calming music as you actively relax your muscles. 

If you still struggle with angry feelings, contact an adult counseling service in your area. 

About Me
Learning About Putting Kids In Counseling

Hello, my name is Nick. When my kids were growing up, they all suffered from different levels of bullying. The other kids would poke fun so often that my children didn't want to return to the playground at school. I decided to place them in counseling so they could learn coping skills. In the meantime, I worked with the school to end the bullying. The counseling sessions did the most good, however, as my children were able to let hurtful words roll off their backs. I hope to use this site to explore the benefits of placing kids in counseling.
