Warning Signs That Your Child Needs A Trauma Treatment Program For Teenagers

Are your children suffering from bullying or other hardships? Discover how counseling can help them overcome adversity and trauma.

Warning Signs That Your Child Needs A Trauma Treatment Program For Teenagers

Warning Signs That Your Child Needs A Trauma Treatment Program For Teenagers

13 March 2023
, Blog

If your teen struggles to cope with a traumatic event, they don't have to face it alone. They have access to many resources. However, the first step in getting your child's help is knowing they need help in the first place.

Feelings of Restlessness

You might notice that your child often feels restless and cannot relax. If you try to start a conversation with them about what is bothering them, they might not be willing to open up.

Changes in Behavior

There might be activities that your child used to enjoy that they no longer want to do. Your child's teacher might notice they are less interested in school activities than before and aren't participating in schoolwork. 

You might notice that your child struggles with decision-making. For example, you might discover that they are engaged in drug or alcohol abuse.

Low Energy and Sleep Disturbances

You might notice changes in your child's sleep patterns, and they might not have as much energy. Low energy can also be a sign of depression. Your child might not feel motivated to engage in activities they previously enjoyed.


If you are concerned about your child potentially engaging in self-harm, you must speak with a therapist immediately and contact a suicide prevention hotline. Your child might discuss suicide, or there may be warning signs that they are cutting. For example, they might wear clothing that covers up areas of their arms where they were cutting.

Coping Skills Taught By Trauma Treatment Services

Your child might have recently experienced a traumatic event without you realizing it. Traumatic therapy services like LifeLine For Youth are available for teenagers struggling with a recent traumatic experience. A trauma therapy program teaches coping skills so that a teenager can more easily handle difficult situations that they encounter day-to-day. 

When your child engages in a trauma therapy program, they will experience a better quality of life. They will have a much easier time engaging in self-care and symptom management. Not only will your child learn internal coping skills to manage the emotions they are experiencing, but they will also learn external coping skills.

One example of a coping skill is mindfulness. This allows a teenager to remain in the moment without feeling like they are losing control. By remaining in the moment, your teenager will be able to avoid disassociation and can avoid repressing traumatic memories so they can begin to learn to cope with them.

About Me
Learning About Putting Kids In Counseling

Hello, my name is Nick. When my kids were growing up, they all suffered from different levels of bullying. The other kids would poke fun so often that my children didn't want to return to the playground at school. I decided to place them in counseling so they could learn coping skills. In the meantime, I worked with the school to end the bullying. The counseling sessions did the most good, however, as my children were able to let hurtful words roll off their backs. I hope to use this site to explore the benefits of placing kids in counseling.
