
Are your children suffering from bullying or other hardships? Discover how counseling can help them overcome adversity and trauma.


Think Your Child Has ADHD? 3 Tips To Get Them Diagnosed Properly

22 March 2018
, Blog

Approximately six percent of children in the United States currently being treated for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). If you think your child has ADHD they are likely hyperactive and have problems focusing and controlling their impulses. Your child may also have problems paying attention, such as in class and at home. If this is true, it is important that you get the right diagnosis for your child, so they can get on the right medication.
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Are You A High School Student Dealing With A Drug Addiction? 3 Steps That Will Help You Come Clean

19 January 2018
 Categories: , Blog

High school can be a great time in your life. It can also be a frightening time in your life; a time when you start experimenting with things that you shouldn't. If your experimentation with drugs has turned into a full-blown addiction, you need to get help. Drug use can ruin your life, and prevent you from succeeding in school. Not only that, but drug use can also lead to health problems, or even overdoses.
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Difficult But Important Steps To Take When A Loved One Has A Gambling Addiction

28 November 2017
 Categories: , Blog

While many people can gamble occasionally as a hobby, others can seek deep into gambling and struggle with a serious addiction that can be just as debilitating as drug addiction. If you're the loved one of a gambling addict, your world can be turned upside down as you try to get the person into a treatment center that specializes in gambling addiction. Should your loved one not accept help and continue to gamble, you'll need to make several important but difficult decisions, including whether you'll remain with the person.
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Ways To Respond To People Who Question That You’re In Therapy

17 October 2017
 Categories: , Blog

Those who regularly attend therapy sessions know just how valuable this practice can be in their lives. However, there are still some people who may not appreciate all that therapy can offer. Even though the fact that you go to therapy is a private matter, it may occasionally come up in conversation — and, unfortunately, there's a chance that someone may question why you go or what value these sessions may have.
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Clues That Can Indicate You Have A Codependent Relationship

10 September 2017
 Categories: , Blog

Codependency is an issue that many couples experience, and it's one that can last years and decades. This type of situation, in which one person allows his or her behavior to be influenced by the other person, can be problematic. The person who is more codependent may feel parented, while the other partner may be annoyed with his or her spouse's apparent inability to act or think independently. If you're in therapy and codependency comes up, you might initially deny it.
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About Me
Learning About Putting Kids In Counseling

Hello, my name is Nick. When my kids were growing up, they all suffered from different levels of bullying. The other kids would poke fun so often that my children didn't want to return to the playground at school. I decided to place them in counseling so they could learn coping skills. In the meantime, I worked with the school to end the bullying. The counseling sessions did the most good, however, as my children were able to let hurtful words roll off their backs. I hope to use this site to explore the benefits of placing kids in counseling.
